Well, I finally have news from Westminster. Unfortunately, it is not what I was wanting to hear. They called me on Friday and told me that I have been put on the waiting list. Really?? I mean, I guess I am okay with it but it is so frustrating to me that I waited
this long and now the answer is basically no. Obviously I knew it was a possibility that I wouldn't be accepted, but I can't help but wonder why I wasn't good enough? If I would have said or done something different in my interview or if my grades or GRE scores were just a little bit better, would that have made any difference? I guess wondering isn't going to do me much good. Like both of my parents pointed out, perhaps it is for the best. Now I can concentrate on getting settled into my house, work on getting a few things paid off and not be under so much pressure to feel like I need to work so much at the same time I am in school. So....technically there is still a very small chance that I will get into the program this fall but I am really not couting on it. But I am still stuck waiting because I guess you never know, right?
To conter the crap news I got from Westminster on Friday, I finally got some good news on the house later that same day! I went out on Thursday to see if any progress had been made. I was very frustrated to see that my lot looks the exact same as it did 6 weeks ago when I put my earnest money down. How annoying!!! I stopped into the model to see if I could get some dates and find out what the heck is going on, but of course the girl who I have been working with wasn't there and the guy who was there didn't have any idea what was going on, although he was pretty cute! So I got a phone call on Friday and finally got some dates! They are not going to dig until June 22!! What?! Apparently, everyone has been having trouble with the construction loans and that is what is holding my start up right now. But barring any unforseen complications with the bank (cross your fingers) they will dig on the 22nd, pour my foundation on the 29th and start framing on the 30th!! Wooo hoooooo!! Happy late birthday to me, right! She gave me an estimated close date of September 9th or 10th which is kind of what I had been thinking it would be from the beginning. So, even though we are being held up by the lame bank, things should move along quite quickly once they get started. I am so excited and can't wait to see any sort of progress!
As for the job situation, I have been out of week for three weeks now! What a pain in the rear! Who ever thought that a nurse would have a hard time finding a job?? I guess technically I could get a job if I wanted a crap staff job that paid next to nothing, but I really don't want to have to do that. The agency that I was originally working with really seemed to be dragging their feet so I sent my resume out to a few other places last week and got a call from another agency. This one seems to have a lot better idea of what is going on. They already tried to get me to work on Thursday night but unfortunately I didn't have all my required education complete so I couldn't do it. Hopfully it is a sign that there are a lot of available shifts! I am also taking the HCA charting class on Wednesday so that should open up more options as well.
So, there you have it. Even though I have an "answer" from Westminster I am still technically stuck waiting. I do have a lot more info on my house now, but I am obviously still waiting on that. My life is just one big waiting game right now. I am excited for my birthday bash next weekend! Can't believe I am going to be the big 3-0! Crazy! Marija is coming to spend the day with me on my actual birthday. Sure to be a good time! I guess my life consists of a lot of waiting for the next little while, but I have all sorts of fun things planned this summer and I'm sure it will fly right by!